Significant Snowfall Causes Slippery Roads and Reno Automobile Accidents

A significant Reno snowfall has resulted in at least 14 automobile accidents that resulted in injury and property damage. The majority of accidents happened at the interchange of the 395 and 80 highways, commonly known to locals as the Spaghetti Bowl, due to the long curved nature of the highways’ four off ramps. Interstate 80 heading both West and East were the location of many of the accidents. One of the larger Reno automobile accidents happened at approximately 7:40 a.m. on lanes headed West near the exit to Reno’s Wells Ave. Another Washoe County car crash was reported minutes later, at 8:00 a.m.That accident happened near Sparks’ Nugget Casino.


Additional Sparks vehicle collisions happened on surface streets. Police were investigating accidents at late as 10:00 a.m. on Monday, December 28th. Those accidents that were being investigated until late hours included one at Greg St. and Marietta Wy and Los Altos Pkwy and Vista Blvd. No injuries had been reported in the early morning accidents in Reno and Sparks even though many highly trafficked roads like Spaks Blvd and Vista Blvd, all in the immediate vicinity of Prater Way were reported to have road conditions resembling a skating rink. Polce had not included in their tally minor fender benders or when motorists had slid off the road onto embankments. Forecasters have announced that snow is expected to clear by tomorrow.


Multiple Vehicle AccidentWhile snow is not forecast to hit again until Tuesday or Wednesday next week, drivers are urged to take precautions to ensure they stay safe in the snow. If you have a car with rear wheel drive or is prone to slipping, it is always wise to have something heavy in the cars back area like a bag of sand or concrete. If that is not possible, a full tank of gas will also add weight to the vehicle.Chains are important to have on hand in case roads become too slippery to travel on with regular tires. Another good tool to have in the car is sheets of cardboard, with the cardboard, a stranded motorist can slip it under tires to gain additional traction when at a complete stop and wheels are spinning. Another precaution to take is to have a blanket, gloves, hats and an extra coat in the car in case you need to spend a prolonged time in your vehicle waiting for help.

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